Tag Archives: color

Sometimes the composition is more interesting than the subject.

What makes us push the shutter? It isn’t always the subject that interests us.

I took this macro shot of a snail shell in an autumn leaf in my garden. The draw for me is purely the combination of shapes and colours. It really appeals to me.

2014 05 15 snail

An Experiment: for the little guys

I said yesterday I took my boys to the the playground. I mentioned that they gave me a flower.  What I didn’t mention was that my 3 year old decided to pick ALL of the flowers growing in the park.


My 1 year old also decided to bring me flowers. Just like his big brother.


Anyway, I decided that since the flowers had been taken we had better put them to good use.


We divided them into 4 glasses of water coloured with food colouring and waited to see if they would take up the colour. I added a few white roses from the garden as I knew they would take the colour and wasn’t sure how well jonquils would go.


We waited.

Several hours later we noticed a slight change and got all excited.


The roses were taking up the colour faster than the jonquils.


We left them over night and this morning we had a rainbow!


The boys were very excited their experiment had worked! Hopefully we have instilled in them a desire to be curious and inventive for life!!
…well its a start.

Mum used it as an opportunity to take photos of course.






Happy to be removing the stinky jonquils from the living room.

Macro Series: Photo 13

The other day my boys played in the front yard. I took my iphone and a cheap macro lens outside with them. These are the photos I took.

These two images were taken inside the kitchen after I saw the spider. I decided to experiment with lighting with a torch. Not too bad really considering what was used.

leaf ridge backlit with a torch
leaf ridge backlit with a torch
Leaf veins backlit with a torch
Leaf veins backlit with a torch

Macro Series: Photo 4

The other day I was at home with the boys. They played in the front yard in the afternoon. While they did I took a few photos using my iPhone and a cheap macro attachment. This series are the photos I took.

The spike of the aloe vera is orange! I am not sure if it is always that colour? Perhaps it was a reaction to me pulling a leaf off to use for sunburn?
The spike of the aloe vera is orange! I am not sure if it is always that colour? Perhaps it was a reaction to me pulling a leaf off to use for sunburn?

Word a Week Challenge: Clouds

I have never participated in this challenge before, but I stumbled upon it at Skinnywinch’s blog page and this image came to my mind. Taken from the front door step of my home. The sunsets where I live cast amazing light onto the clouds sometimes.
